Monday, December 22, 2008

"Don't Eat The Nuts"

This is hilarious and it's even funnier when Jaden tells it. So I hope the video is good. So the story is...My mama and Jaden were making pecan sticky buns and jaden wanted some I guess, but he doesn't like nuts. so my mama told him "Don't eat the nuts". Well I came upstairs and Jaden says, "Mom, grama Shelly told me to shut up." I said "she did?" and my mama said..."No I didn't. I said don't eat the nuts." It seriously was hilarious and he always just busts out the story randomly to get us laughing. The way Jaden tells it is so cute!


yettie/jessie said...

ha ha ha ha so great and even better that you got it on video

Alexis said...

LOVE it! He is so stinkin cute! I love that he already knows how to tell a story to get a good laugh! He is a brave boy to snowboard. We have taken Austin once, we are all going tubing this Friday...we will see how it goes!! Take Care!

yettie/jessie said...

I am glad you liked what i put together and ya the girls are getting bigger, kk not so much growing as she is looking more mature and ruby grows like weeds she keeps getting taller and taller but not bigger i have the hardest time finding pants for her because she is so skinny. but that i shouldn't complain about.

Kourtney said...

What a crack up. We miss you guys so much. Hope Chriatmas was good Love ya

Aubrey said...

Hey!!! Oh I'm so glad you've found me!! Long lost twins indeed! :) You rock. And what cute kids! We don't have any...yet, and haven't tried, but someday we will. haha. Where do you guys live?