Sunday, February 1, 2009

Robinson Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph


Cindy said...

Okay, that is the coolest contraption I've seen! I am definitely going to bookmark that site so that I can try it out some day.

As a side note, Jamie you look so gorgeous in that family picture! I usually just read your blog through the google reader so I don't see the whole page. So cute!

yettie/jessie said...

so i am a little suprised i thought she looked way more like kyle you rigged it didn't you any way ths is way cool i did it too with ruby and it said she was equal to both of us but i cant figure out how to put it on my blog

yettie/jessie said...

ok so I figured it out and got it on my page i did both my kids go check out my results and i want to see the results for jaden too