Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crazy Times!

I haven't written in the longest time so I have a lot to say and a lot of pictures...sorry!!

Here is my cute little nephew Wes...He is so hilarious...I wish I video taped his facial expressions (good time to say HEATHER UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!)I got all of my nephews these shirts for Christmas...they say "My aunt Rocks" well cuz basically I do!! Story time: Me- Wyatt loves me the most
Heather- He loves his mom the most
Wyatt- Mom you're a goon!!
So that solved that!!

Kyle's brother Taylor came home from the Dominican Republic. It was so great to see him...he is so much fun and I am glad he is home!! Check out how tall he is...when he walked off the plane all I could say was Holy cow Taylor you are so tall over and over!! Do you notice his tooth? They were playing with airsoft guns and his companion looks over fast and just shoots and it hits Taylor right in the tooth...Taylor is hilarious so he just starts laughing!! I love Taylor he is awesome!

A little on the sadder side...My mom called me at 7 am last week and asked me to go upstairs and sit with my dad until the ambulance arrived. I grabbed Kennedi and we go upstairs and find that my dad's heart went into A-phib (spelling?) again. The last time it did this they said the next time this happens he would need to get to the hospital for some medicine before he has a massive stroke that could kill him. We all just prayed. He did end up coming home that night with nothing left for the hospital to do...we just had to wait. He was doing better until a couple days ago. He is ok for now, but is really not feeling well. i hope that he continues to get better and I hope that everyone can say a little prayer for him. Today Kyle and I talked in sacrament meeting about Family Home Evening. of course I cried I always do!! Out of everything that has happened to my family and me this past year and a half I have realized how important family really is. I love my family so much...I love being by them here in salt lake but I do miss Kyle's family in Cedar...I wish we could all live in the same place!!

Ok so last story for you all!! Happy Valentines Day yesterday!! We had such a great day! Jer and Heather came and we got to hang out with them and my cute little nephews that I seriously love so much! We went to jumping Jacks...way fun...not just for kids!! Love it!! Anyways I think this is definately long enough and my eyes are going buggy!! love ya all thanks Leanna for the cookie recipe they are so yummy!! Peace!!


Megan D. said...

I hope your dad is feeling better now. That is no fun. I love your star rice krispie treats and the aunt t-shirts. You are great!

Carissa J said...

What is going on with your dad? I didn't know he was experiencing health problems. I will definitely be praying for him.

Holy cow! Your brother-in-law IS tall!

jer_heather said...

Yes leave it to Wyatt to have such great comedic timing and thank you for sharing it on you blog (i hope you catch the saracasm.) even though he may have called me a goon, he still loves me more! JK, it really was a funny moment.

jer_heather said...

Blog is updated...does that ake you happy?!

Kourtney said...

i love the pics I had to play catch up too since we have not had internet forever. Where did you find the cute shirts?